DemonsAreCrazy Wiki

Enhance Anima[]

Stat Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
X mhp1 MaxLife I~V MHP+200 MHP+400 MHP+600 MHP+800 MHP+1000
X mmp1 MaxMaNa I~V MMP+60 MMP+120 MMP+180 MMP+240 MMP+300
X msp1 0 MaxStamina I~V MSP+5 MSP+10 MSP+15 MSP+20 MSP+25
X mko1 0 MaxFortitude I~V MKO+10 MKO+15 MKO+20 MKO+25 MKO+30
X str1 Might I~V STR+10 STR+15 STR+23 STR+30 STR+40
X vit1 Endurance I~V VIT+10 VIT+15 VIT+23 VIT+30 VIT+40
X dex1 Swift I~V DEX+10 DEX+15 DEX+23 DEX+30 DEX+40
X tal1 Ingenuity I~V TAL+10 TAL+15 TAL+23 TAL+30 TAL+40
X stt1 Dumb Brute I~IV STR+20 TAL-10 STR+30 TAL-15 STR+40 TAL-20 STR+50 TAL-25 STR +60 TAL -30
X vtd1 Giant Turtle I~IV VIT+20 DEX-10 VIT+30 DEX-15 VIT+40 DEX-20 VIT+50 DEX-25 VIT +60 DEX -30
X dxs1 Tiny I~IV DEX+20 STR-10 DEX+30 STR-15 DEX+40 STR-20 DEX+50 STR-25 DEX+60 STR -30
X tlv1 Elder Mage I~IV| TAL+20 VIT-10 TAL+30 VIT-15 TAL+40 VIT-20 TAL+50 VIT-25 TAL+60 VIT-30
X lvs1 Hidden Power I~V STR+20 after lv6 STR+25 after lv13 STR+30 after lv18 STR+35 after lv24 STR+40 after lv30
X lvv1 Giant Growth I~V VIT+20 after lv6 VIT+25 after lv13 VIT+30 after lv18 VIT+35 after lv24 VIT+40 after lv30
X lvd1 Sudden Insight I~IV DEX+20 after lv6 DEX+25 after lv13 DEX+30 after lv18 DEX+35 after lv24 DEX+40 after lv30
X lvt1 Talent Spark I~V TAL+20 after lv6 TAL+25 after lv12 TAL+30 after lv18 TAL+35 after lv24 TAL+40 after lv30
X dsv1 Titanic I~V STR+5 VIT+5 STR+10 VIT+10 STR+15 VIT+15 STR+20 VIT+20 STR+25 VIT+25
X dvd1 Defensive I~V VIT+5 DEX+5 VIT+10 DEX+10 VIT+15 DEX+15 VIT+20 DEX+20 VIT+25 DEX+25
X ddt1 Awareness I~V DEX+5 TAL+5 DEX+10 TAL+10 DEX+15 TAL+15 DEX+20 TAL+20 DEX+25 TAL+25
X dst1 Ruthless I~V STR+5 TAL+5 STR+10 TAL+10 STR+15 TAL+15 STR+20 TAL+20 STR+25 TAL+25
X dsd1 Offensive I STR+5 DEX+5 STR+10 DEX+10 STR+15 DEX+15 STR+20 DEX+20 STR+25 DEX+25
X dvt1 White Oak I~V VIT+5 TAL+5 VIT+10 TAL+10 VIT+15 TAL+15 VIT+20 TAL+20 VIT+25 TAL+25

Equipment Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
X eqs1 Double Hand I~IV +10% Equipment STR +20% Equipment STR +30% Equipment STR +40% Equipment STR +50% Equipment STR
X eqv1 Twin ShieldI~IV +10% Equipment VIT +20% Equipment VIT +30% Equipment VIT +40% Equipment VIT +50% Equipment VIT
X eqd1 Dual Wield I~IV +10% Equipment DEX +20% Equipment DEX +30% Equipment DEX +40% Equipment DEX +50% Equipment DEX
X eqt1 True Cast I~IV +10% Equipment TAL +20% Equipment TAL +30% Equipment TAL +40% Equipment TAL +50% Equipment TAL
X eqw1 Weapon Expert I~IV +7% equipments STR and TAL +14% equipments STR and TAL +21% equipments STR and TAL +28% equipments STR and TAL +35% equipments STR and TAL
X eqa1 Armor Mastery I~IV +7% equipments VIT and DEX +14% equipments VIT and DEX +21% equipments VIT and DEX +28% equipments VIT and DEX +35% equipments VIT and DEX
X eqk1 Equip King I~IV +10% All Equipment Stat +15% All Equipment Stat +20% Equipment TAL +25% Equipment TAL +30% Equipment TAL

Element Damage Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
X lth1 Light I~IV +5% Light Dmg +7% Light Dmg +10% Light Dmg +13% Light Dmg +15% Light Dmg
X fir1 Fire I~IV +5% Fire Dmg +7% Fire Dmg +10% Fire Dmg +13% Fire Dmg +15% Fire Dmg
X wtr1 Water I~IV +5% Water Dmg +7% Water Dmg +10% Water Dmg +13% Water Dmg +15% Water Dmg
X wnd1 Wind I~IV +5% Wind Dmg +7% Wind Dmg +10% Wind Dmg +13% Wind Dmg +15% Wind Dmg
X ert1 Earth I~IV +5% Earth Dmg +7% Earth Dmg +10% Earth Dmg +130% Earth Dmg +15% Earth Dmg
X thd1 Thunder I~IV +5% Thunder Dmg +7% Thunder Dmg +10% Thunder Dmg +13% Thunder Dmg +15% Thunder Dmg
X ice1 Ice I~IV +5% Ice Dmg +7% Ice Dmg +10% Ice Dmg +13% Ice Dmg +15% Ice Dmg
X psn1 Poison I~IV +5% Poison Dmg +7% Poison Dmg +10% Poison Dmg +13% Poison Dmg +15% Poison Dmg
X drk1 Dark I~IV +5% Dark Dmg +7% Dark Dmg +10% Dark Dmg +13% Dark Dmg +15% Dark Dmg
X udc1 UDC I~IV STR +3, DEX +3, VIT +3 STR +6, DEX +6, VIT +6 STR +9, DEX +9, VIT +9 STR +12, DEX +12, VIT +12 STR +15, DEX +15, VIT +15
X trn1 Trap Runner I~IV DEX +3 , VIT +3 , TAL+3 SDEX +6 , VIT +6 , TAL+6 DEX +9 , VIT +9 , TAL+9 DEX +13 , VIT +13 , TAL+13 DEX +16 , VIT +16 , TAL+16
X qdf1 Q.Defense I~IV STR +4, VIT +4 , TAL+ 4 STR +6, VIT +6 , TAL+ 6 STR +9, VIT +9 , TAL+ 9 STR +12, VIT +12 , TAL+ 12 STR +15, VIT +15 , TAL+15
X skr1 Sakura Bonsho I~IV STR +3, DEX +3 , TAL+3 STR +6, DEX +6 , TAL+6 STR +9, DEX +9 , TAL+9 STR +12, DEX +12 , TAL+12 STR +15, DEX +15 , TAL+15
X all1 Alliance I~IV +10% DEF when healed by a member of your guild +15% DEF when healed by a member of your guild Add +20% DEF when healed by a member of your guild +25% DEF when healed by a member of your guild +30% DEF when healed by a member of your guild
X vin1 Vindicator I~IV Temporary +10% ATK stats when a guild member is dead Temporary +20% ATK stats when a guild member is dead Temporary +30% ATK stats when a guild member is dead Temporary +40% ATK stats when a guild member is dead Temporary +50% ATK stats when a guild member is dead
X ctd1 Contender I~IV STR+6, DEX+6 , VIT+6, TAL+6 STR+9, DEX+9 , VIT+9, TAL+9 STR+13, DEX+13 , VIT+13, TAL+13 STR+6, DEX+16, VIT+16, TAL+16 STR+20, DEX+20 , VIT+20, TAL+20
X blk1 Blank I~IV Blank anima for fodding other anima Blank anima for fodding other anima Blank anima for fodding other anima Blank anima for fodding other anima Blank anima for fodding other anima

Support Anima[]

Demon Anima[]

Icon Name Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Y wik1 Savage Hunt I~IV normal attack 4% drain HP normal attack 6% drain HP normal attack 8% drain HP normal attack 10% drain HP
Y mna1 Gorgon Eye I~IV +4% eff.dmg +6% eff.dmg +8% eff.dmg +10% eff.dmg
Y xun1 Flammable I~IV 3% damage to both Phy.Dmg and Mag.dmg 4% damage to both Phy.Dmg and Mag.dmg 5% damage to both Phy.Dmg and Mag.dmg 7% damage to both Phy.Dmg and Mag.dmg
Y fay1 Magic Amplifier I~IV +4% MAG +6% MAG +8% MAG +10% MAG
Y mat1 Serial Hunt I~IV Returns 5% MHP after kill Returns 10% MHP after kill Returns 15% MHP after kill Returns 20% MHP after kill
Y kil1 Gambler Dice I~IV 6% critical damage 9% critical damage 12% critical damage 15% critical damage
Y mao1 Kakistocracy I~IV Blocks 12 Phy.Dmg Blocks 18 Phy.Dmg Blocks 24 Phy.Dmg Blocks 30 Phy.Dmg
Y hrm1 Dispassion I~IV block 20 mag.dmg block 30 mag.dmg block 40 mag.dmg block 50 mag.dmg
Y amy1 Holy Hammer I~IV 10% heal 15% heal 20% heal 25% heal
Y ish1 Naturalist I~IV +6% Block Abnormal Status +9% Block Abnormal Status +12% Block Abnormal Status +15% Block Abnormal Status
Y irn1 Powerful I~IV Phy.Dmg 4% Phy.Dmg 6% Phy.Dmg 8% Phy.Dmg 10%
Y trt1 Royal Servent I~IV 10% All Summons Stat 15% All Summons Stat 20% All Summons Stat 25% All Summons Stat
Y bar1 Electrocute I~IV 10% accuracy and crit chance 15% accuracy and crit chance 20% accuracy and crit chance 25% accuracy and crit chance
Y vrn1 Frozen I~IV Returns 4% mag.dmg back to ATK. Returns 6% mag.dmg back to ATK. Returns 8% mag.dmg back to ATK. Returns 10% mag.dmg back to ATK.
Y mim1 Thinker I~IV Reduces all skills MP cost 5% Reduces all skills MP cost 10% Reduces all skills MP cost 15% Reduces all skills MP cost 20%
Y nja1 Lucky Cat I~IV +4% Evasion to Phy.dmg +6% Evasion to Phy.dmg +8% Evasion to Phy.dmg +10% Evasion to Phy.dmg
Y oym1 Zen I~IV Reduces 5% Skill Cooldown Reduces 10% Skill Cooldown Reduces 15% Skill Cooldown Reduces 20% Skill Cooldown
Y rdb1 Desert Bandit I~IV 10 Phy.Dmg 15 Phy.Dmg 20 Phy.Dmg 25 Phy.Dmg
Y tsy1 Moon Rabbit I~IV jump height by 1m jump height by 2m jump height by 3m jump height by 4m
Y brn1 Black Op I~IV item effect 20% item effect 30% item effect 40% item effect 50%
Y urn1 Evil Cantation I~IV 16% recieved heal 24% recieved heal 32% recieved heal 40% recieved heal
Y anb1 Crystal Tribe I~IV 4% Phy.Dmg back to attacker 6% Phy.Dmg back to attacker 8% Phy.Dmg back to attacker 10% Phy.Dmg back to attacker
Y bif1 Cosmic Energy I~IV 16 mag.dmg 24 mag.dmg 32 mag.dmg 40 mag.dmg
Y mra1 Wing Gale I~IV 60% run speed 90% run speed 120% run speed 150% run speed
Y tmt1 Pitch Black I~IV normal attack 4% drain MP normal attack 6% drain MP normal attack 8% drain MP normal attack 10% drain MP
Y zjn1 Art of War I~IV 10% HP Regen 15% HP Regen 20% HP Regen 25% HP Regen
Y mst1 Death Angel I~IV 10% MP Regen 15% MP Regen 20% MP Regen 25% MP Regen

Power Anima[]

Icon Name Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Y atk1 Attacker I~IV 4% Physical Damage 6% Physical Damage 8% Physical Damage 10% Physical Damage
Y def1 Defender I~IV 4% Phy.def and Mag.def 6% Phy.def and Mag.def 8% Phy.def and Mag.def 10% Phy.def and Mag.def
Y mag1 Caster I~IV 4% Magical Damage 6% Magical Damage 8% Magical Damage 10% Magical Damage
Y eff1 Debuffer I~IV 5% effect damage 10% effect damage 15% effect damage 20% effect damage
Y hlg1 Healer I~IV +10% Heal +15% Heal +20% Heal +25% Heal
Y acr1 Shooter I~IV 6% accuracy and critical chance 9% accuracy and critical chance 12% accuracy and critical chance 15% accuracy and critical chance
Y crt1 Gambler I~IV 6% critical.dmg 9% critical.dmg 12% critical.dmg 15% critical.dmg
Y evd1 Evader I~IV +4% chances to evade phy.attack +6% chances to evade phy.attack +8% chances to evade phy.attack +10% chances to evade phy.attack
Y sum1 Summoner I~IV 10% all Summons Stat 15% all Summons Stat 20% all Summons Stat 25% all Summons Stat
Y spd1 Runner I~IV 50% Run Speed 100% Run Speed 150% Run Speed 200% Run Speed

Secondary Anima[]

Icon Name Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Y hpr1 Regeneration I~IV 10% HP regeneration 15% HP regeneration 20% HP regeneration 25% HP regeneration
Y mpr1 Mana Flow I~IV 10% MP regeneration 15% MP regeneration 20% MP regeneration 25% MP regeneration
Y dhp1 Devourer I~IV normal attack 4% drain HP normal attack 6% drain HP normal attack 8% drain HP normal attack 10% drain HP
Y dmp1 Licker I~IV normal attack 4% drain MP normal attack 6% drain MP normal attack 8% drain MP normal attack 10% drain MP
Y dko1 Knocker I~IV KO damage by 10% KO damage by 15% KO damage by 20% KO damage by 25%
Y rhl1 Medical Aid I~IV 16% recieved heal 24% recieved heal 32% recieved heal 40% recieved heal

Damage Anima[]

Icon Name Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Y pdm1 Gunner I~IV 10 physical damage 15 physical damage 20 physical damage 25 physical damage
Y mdm1 Shatterer I~IV 16 magical damage 24 magical damage 32 magical damage 40 magical damage
Y pbk1 Blocker I~IV Block 15 physical damage Block 20 physical damage Block 25 physical damage Block 30 physical damage
Y mbk1 Bouncer I~IV Block 20 magical damage Block 25 magical damage Block 30 magical damage Block 35 magical damage

Boost Anima[]

Icon Name Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Y kxp1 Hunted Killer I~IV Increases exp from killing 10% Increases exp from killing 15% Increases exp from killing 20% Increases exp from killing 25%
Y kgd1 Bounty Hunt I~IV money from killing 15% money from killing 20% money from killing 25% money from killing 30%
Y mxp1 Missionary I~IV Exp end of missions 20% Exp end of missions 30% Exp end of missions 40% Exp end of missions 50%
Y msv1 Plunder I~IV silver end of missions 40 silver end of missions 60 silver end of missions 80 silver end 100 missions

Elemental Guard Anima[]

Icon Name Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Y lth1 Light Guard I~IV +15% Light Resist +20% Light Resist +25% Light Resist +30% Light Resist
Y fir1 Fire Guard I~IV +15% Fire Resist +20% Fire Resist +25% Fire Resist +30% Fire Resist
Y wtr1 Water Guard I~IV +15% Water Resist +20% Water Resist +20% Water Resist +30% Water Resist
Y wnd1 Wind Guard I~IV +15% Wind Resist +20% Wind Resist +25% Wind Resist +30% Wind Resist
Y ert1 Earth Guard I~IV +15% Earth Resist +20% Earth Resist +25% Earth Resist +30% Earth Resist
Y thd1 Thunder Guard I~IV +15% Thunder Resist +20% Thunder Resist +25% Thunder Resist +30% Thunder Resist
Y ice1 Ice Guard I~IV +15% Ice Resist +20% Ice Resist +25% Ice Resist +30% Ice Resist
Y psn1 Poison Guard I~IV +15% Poison Resist +20% Poison Resist +25% Poison Resist +30% Poison Resist
Y drk1 Dark Guard I~IV +15% Dark Resist +20% Dark Resist +25% Dark Resist +30% Dark Resist

Eater Anima[]

Icon Name Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Y age1 Angel Eater I~IV +20% damage to angel race. +30% damage to angel race. +40% damage to angel race. +50% damage to angel race.
Y bse1 Beast Eater I~IV +20% damage to beast race. +30% damage to beast race. +40% damage to beast race. +50% damage to beast race.
Y dme1 Demon Eater I~IV +20% damage to Demon race. +30% damage to Demon race. +40% damage to Demon race. +50% damage to Demon race.
Y dge1 Dragons Eater I~IV +20% damage to Dragons race. +30% damage to Dragons race. +40% damage to Dragons race. +50% damage to Dragons race.
Y ele1 Elementals Eater I~IV +20% damage to Elementals race. +30% damage to Elementals race. +40% damage to Elementals race. +50% damage to Elementals race.
Y fse1 Fish Eater I~IV +20% damage to aquatic race. +30% damage to aquatic race. +40% damage to aquatic race. +50% damage to aquatic race.
Y ghe1 Ghost Eater I~IV +20% damage to Spirit/Devil race. +30% damage to Spirit/Devil race. +40% damage to Spirit/Devil race. +50% damage to Spirit/Devil race.
Y hre1 Horrors Eater I~IV +20% damage to Horrors race. +30% damage to Horrors race. +40% damage to Horrors race. +50% damage to Horrors race.
Y hme1 Human Eater I~IV +20% damage to Humanoids race. +30% damage to Humanoids race. +40% damage to Humanoids race. +50% damage to Humanoids race.
Y ise1 Insects Eater I~IV +20% damage to Insects race. +30% damage to Insects race. +40% damage to Insects race. +50% damage to Insects race.
Y mce1 Machines Eater I~IV +20% damage to Machines race. +30% damage to Machines race. +40% damage to Machines race. +50% damage to Machines race.
Y ple1 Plants Eater I~IV +20% damage to Plants race. +30% damage to Plants race. +40% damage to Plants race. +50% damage to Plants race.
Y ude1 Undeads Eater I~IV +20% damage to Undeads race. +30% damage to Undeads race. +40% damage to Undeads race. +50% damage to Undeads race.

Event Anima[]

Arena Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Z glt1 Hunger I~IV - VIT+6,  earth Resist+5 , HP Regen+4 VIT+9,  earth Resist+10 , HP Regen+6 VIT+12,  earth Resist+15 , HP Regen+8 VIT+15,  earth Resist+20 , HP Regen+10
Z slt1 Dysania I~IV - DEX+6, Thunder Resist+5, +4% Crit DEX+9 , Thunder Resist +10 ,+6% crit DEX+12, Thunder Resist+15 ,+8% crit DEX+15, Thunder Resist+20 , +10% crit
Z wrt1 Inflamed I~IV - STR+6, Fire Resist+5 , 2% phy.damage STR+9, Fire Resist+10 , 3% phy.damage STR+12, Fire Resist+15 , 4% phy.damage SSTR+15, Fire Resist+20 , 5% phy.damage
Z env1 Envious I~IV - TAL+6 , Water Resist+5 , 2% MAG TAL+9 , Water Resist+10 , 3% MAG TAL+12 , Water Resist+15 , 4% MAG TAL+15 , Water Resist+20 , 5% MAG
Z lst1 Ecstasy I~IV - +4% block abnormal status, MKO+10 , Dark Resist+5 +6% block abnormal status, MKO+15 , Dark Resist+10 +8% block abnormal status, MKO+20 , Dark Resist+15 +10% block abnormal status, MKO+25 , Dark Resist+20
File:Z grd1.png Buccaneer I~IV - MHP+100 , MSP+5 , Wind Resist+5 MHP+200 , MSP+10 , Wind Resist+10 MHP+300 , MSP+15 , Wind Resist+15 MHP+400 , MSP+20 , Wind Resist+20
Z prd1 Hubris I~IV - MHP+100 , MMP+50 , Light Resist+5 MHP+200 , MMP+100 , Light Resist+10 MHP+300 , MMP+150 , Light Resist+15 MHP+400 , MMP+200 , Light Resist+20

Campaign Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Z knb1 Kannibal I~IV - +6% HP Regen, +4% Earth Damage +9% HP Regen, +6% Earth Damage +12% HP Regen, +8% Earth Damage +15% HP Regen and 10% Earth Damage
Z aeo1 Alien Spark I~IV - +6% MP Regen, +4% Thunder Damage +9% MP Regen, +6% Thunder Damage +12% MP Regen, +8% Thunder Damage +15% MP Regen and 10% Thunder Damage
Z rag1 Fiery Rage I~IV - MSP+5, +4% Fire Damage MSP+10, +6% Fire Damage MSP+15, +8% Fire Damage MSP+20 , 10% Fire Damage
Z ttn1 Watchful Eye I~IV - MMP+100, +4% Earth Damage zmMP+150, +6% Earth Damage MMP+200, +8% Earth Damage MMP+250 , 10% Water Damage
Z icp1 Ice Magus I~IV - Block 10 Mag.Dmg, +4% Ice Damage Block 15 Mag.Dmg, +6% Ice Damage Block 20 Mag.Dmg, +8% Ice Damage Block 25 mag.damage, +%10 ice Damage
Z soe1 Eidolon I~IV - +4% Light and Dark Damage +6% Light and Dark Damage +8% Light and Dark Damage +10% Light and Dark Damage
Z hlz1 Zerachiel I~IV - + 100 Max HP and 10% Heal + 200 Max HP and 15% Heal + 300 Max HP and 20% Heal + 400 Max HP and 25% Heal
Z tet1 TetraMantras I~IV - +10% fire, water, wind and earth protection but reduce all other elements +15% fire, water, wind and earth protection but reduce all other elements +20% fire, water, wind and earth protection but reduce all other elements +25% fire, water, wind and earth protection but reduce all other elements
Z trn1 Tyrannos I~IV - Block 5 physical and 10 magical damage Block 10 physical and 15 magical damage Block 15 physical and 20 magical damage Block 20 physical and 25 magical damage
Z pdr1 Pandora I~IV - +5% MAG but reduce 10% SPD +10% MAG but reduce 20% SPD +15% MAG but reduce 13% SPD +20% MAG but reduce 40% SPD
Z krd1 K.Rodinia I~IV - +5% DEF but reduce 10% ATK +10% DEF but reduce 20% ATK +15% DEF but reduce 30% ATK +20% DEF but reduce 40% ATK
Z smg1 S.Gorgon I~IV - +5% SPD but reduce 10% MAG +10% SPD but reduce 20% MAG +15% SPD but reduce 10% MAG +20% SPD but reduce 40% MAG
File:Z anh1.png Annihilate I~IV - +5% ATK but reduce 10% DEF +10% ATK but reduce 20% DEF +15% ATK but reduce 30% DEF +20% ATK but reduce 40% DEF
File:Z grm1.png Grimeroth I-IV - +1% item drop chance , 10% kill gold +1% item drop chance , 15% kill gold +2% item drop chance , 20% kill gold +3% item drop chance , 25% kill gold
File:Z ana1.png Anatomy I-IV - +400MHP but reduce 100 MMP +600MHP but reduce 150 MMP +800MHP but reduce 200 MMP +1000MHP but reduce 250 MMP
File:Z mmd1.png Very Metal I-IV - +200MMP but reduce 100 MHP +300MMP but reduce 200 MHP +400MMP but reduce 300 MHP +500MMP but reduce 400 MHP

Raid Boss Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Z lcd1 Lycant I~IV - +4% Phy.Dmg, +5% Thunder Protection +5% Phy.Dmg, +10% Thunder Protection +6% Phy.Dmg, +15% Thunder Protection +7% Phy.Dmg, +20% Thunder Protection
Z sry1 Sun Ray I~IV - +3% Mag.Dmg, +5% Fire Protection +4% Mag.Dmg, +10% Fire Protection +5% Mag.Dmg, +15% Fire Protection +5% Mag.Dmg, +20% Fire Protection
Z ddd1 Spinner I~IV - +4% Evade, +5% Wind Protection +6% Evade, +10% Wind Protection +8% Evade, +15% Wind Protection +10% Evade, +20% Wind Protection
Z chw1 Tortoise I~IV - +4% Defense, +5% Earth Protection +5% Defense, +10% Earth Protection +6% Defense, +15% Earth Protection +7% Defense, +20% Earth Protection
Z mrs1 Top Hat I~IV - +6% Crit Chance, +5% Poison Protection +8% Crit Chance, +10% Poison Protection +10% Crit Chance, +15% Poison Protection +12% Crit Chance, +20% Poison Protection
Z nms1 Nemesis I~IV - +10 all stats but reduce 6% protection to non-dark elements +15 all stats but reduce 6% protection to non-dark elements +20 all stats but reduce 12% protection to non-dark elements. +25 all stats but reduce 15% protection to non-dark elements
Z vac1 Vaccination I-IV - +5 VIT , block abnormal status 4% +10 VIT , block abnormal status 6% +15 VIT , block abnormal status 8% +20 VIT , block abnormal status 10%
Z blr1 Jurassic I-IV - +5 STR , 6 physical damage +10 STR , 9 physical damage +15 STR , 12 physical damage +20 STR , 15 physical damage
Z omc1 Mutagen I-IV - reduce debuff duration by 15% reduce debuff duration by 20% reduce debuff duration by 25% reduce debuff duration by 30%
File:Z boo1.png Haunt I-IV - +20 SPD , +20 invisible and blend duration +30 SPD , +30 invisible and blend duration +40 SPD , +40 invisible and blend duration +50 SPD , +50 invisible and blend duration
Z bay1 BaySand I-IV - Return 4% physical damage back to attacker Return 6% physical damage back to attacker Return 8% physical damage back to attacker Return 10% physical damage back to attacker
Z aqm1 Morphing I-IV - Return 3% phy.dmg , mag.dmg back to attacker Return 4% phy.dmg , mag.dmg back to attacker Return 5% phy.dmg , mag.dmg back to attacker Return 6% phy.dmg , mag.dmg back to attacker
File:Z tvb1.png Chieftan I-IV - Return 4% magical dmg back to attacker Return 8% magical dmg back to attacker Return 8% magical dmg back to attacker Return 10% magical dmg back to attacker

Dungeon Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Z tto1 First Tail I~IV - +10% all item effect +20% all item effect +30% all item effect +40% all item effect
Z hlp1 Waning Moon I~IV - +4% evade , 4% to block abnormal status +6% evade , 6% to block abnormal status + 8% evade , 8% to block abnormal status +10% evade , 10% to block abnormal status
Z snk1 Ukiyo I~IV - +5% HP and MP Regen +10% HP and MP Regen +15% HP and MP Regen +20% HP and MP Regen
Z wcp1 White Chapel I~IV +10% accuracy , 20% run speed +20% accuracy , 30% run speed +30% accuracy , 40% run speed +40% accuracy , 50% run speed
Z azd1 Holy Penance I-IV - Heal 4% MHP every time a skill is use Heal 6% MHP every time a skill is use Heal 8% MHP every time a skill is use Heal 10% MHP every time a skill is use
File:Z lfb1.png Lost Fable I-IV - Return 3% MMP every time a skill is use Return 5% MMP every time a skill is use Return 7% MMP every time a skill is use Return 9% MMP every time a skill is use
File:Z lpg1.png Brotherhood I-IV - STR-3 , +15 all item effect STR-5 , +25 all item effect STR-7 , +35 all item effect STR-10 , +45 all item effect
File:Z rpz1.png Tangled I-IV - DEX-3 , +15% healing DEX-5 , +20% healing DEX-7 , +25% healing DEX-10 , +30% healing
File:Z alc1.png Unity I-IV - VIT-3 ,+10% summon VIT-5 ,+15% summon VIT-7 ,+20% summon VIT-10 ,+25% summon
File:Z rrh1.png Frenzy I-IV - TAL-3 , +10% change to inflict abnormal status TAL-5 , +15% change to inflict abnormal status TAL-7 , +20% change to inflict abnormal status TAL-25 , +25% change to inflict abnormal status

Season Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Z sum1 Summer I~IV - +5% light, fire, and earth protection +10% light, fire, and earth protection +15% light, fire, and earth protection +20% light, fire, and earth protection
File:Z rny1.png Rainy I~IV - +5% water, thunder, and poison protection +10% water, thunder, and poison protection +15% water, thunder, and poison protection +20% water, thunder, and poison protection
File:Z wnt1.png Winter I~IV - +5% ice, wind, and dark protection +10% ice, wind, and dark protection +15% ice, wind, and dark protection +20% ice, wind, and dark protection

Limited Event Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Z elb1 Early Bird I~IV - +5% exp from each kill +10% exp from each kill +15% exp from each kill +20% exp from each kill
Z vlt1 Broken Heart I~IV - block 40% charm, +5% light Resist block 60% charm, +10% light Resist block 80% charm, +15% light Resist block 100% charm, +15% light Resist
Z cch1 Choco Heart I~IV - +40% charm duration, +4% Light Damage +60% charm duration, +6% Light Damage +80% charm duration, +8% Light Damage +100% charm duration, +10% Light Damage
Z ltb1 Lotus Bloom I~IV - Add 15 MP regen Add 20 MP regen Add 25 MP regen Add 30 MP regen
Z psb1 Poison Block I~IV - +5% Poison Resist, Block poison 30% +10% Poison Resist, Block poison 40% +15% Poison Resist, Block Poison 50% +20% Poison Resist, Block Poison 60%
Z pdm1 Pandemic I~IV - +20% infected poison and venom duration +30% infected poison and venom duration +40 infected poison and venom duration +50 infected poison and venom duration
Z shk1 S.Shark I~IV - +5% Water, Ice and Dark protection, WATER +5 ICE +5 DARK +5 +10% Water, Ice and Dark protection, WATER +10 ICE +10 DARK +10 +15% Water, Ice and Dark protection, WATER +15 ICE +15 DARK +15 +20% Water, Ice and Dark protection, WATER +20 ICE +20 DARK +20
Z trl1 Troll Aspect I~IV - +5STR , 30% protection against disarm, paralyze and stun +10STR , 40% protection against disarm, paralyze and stun +15STR , 50% protection against disarm, paralyze and stun +20STR , 60% protection against disarm, paralyze and stun
Z wpl1 Warped Logic I~IV - +5TAL , 30% protection against silence, sleep and nightmare +10TAL , 40% protection against silence, sleep and nightmare +15TAL , 50% protection against silence, sleep and nightmare +20TAL , 60% protection against silence, sleep and nightmare
File:Z svt1.png Survival Thug I~IV - +5 DEX , +inflicted breed and cripple duration by 3s +10DEX , +inflicted breed and cripple duration by 4s +15 DEX , +inflicted breed and cripple duration by 5s +20DEX , +inflicted breed and cripple duration by 6s
File:Z svm1.png Survival Medic I~IV - +5VIT , block 30% breed and cripple status +10VIT , block 40% breed and cripple status +15VIT , block 50% breed and cripple status +20VIT , block 60% breed and cripple status
Z pum1 Pumpking I~IV - Increase all drain HP, MP and SP effect by 20% Increase all drain HP, MP and SP effect by 30% Increase all drain HP, MP and SP effect by 40% Increase all drain HP, MP and SP effect by 50%
Z gst1 Ghosting I~IV - Gives 10% evasion , VIT -10 Gives 15% evasion , VIT -20 Gives 20% evasion , VIT -30 Gives 25% evasion , VIT -40
File:Z irb1.png Ice Rabbit I~IV - +5TAL and 20s ice, frost and blizzard duration +10TAL and 30s ice, frost and blizzard duration +15TAL and 40s ice, frost and blizzard duration +20TAL and 50s ice, frost and blizzard duration
File:Z bbr1.png Barbaric I~IV - +40 Phy.Dmg but reduce ACR by10% +60 Phy.Dmg but reduce ACR by15% +80 Phy.Dmg but reduce ACR by20% +100 Phy.Dmg but reduce ACR by25%
File:Z vik1.png Viking I-IV - Gives 40% chance to prevent death with 130s cool down. Gives 60% chance to prevent death with 130s cool down. Gives 80% chance to prevent death with 130s cool down. Gives 100% chance to prevent death with 130s cool down.
Z yrg1 Scorn of Xmas I~IV - +4% ice, water and poison damage +6% ice, water and poison damage +8% ice, water and poison damage +10% ice, water and poison damage
Z ihm1 Inhuman I~IV - +14% equipments STR and VIT +21% equipments STR and VIT +28% equipments STR and VIT +35% equipments STR and VIT
Z scf1 Scientific I~IV - +14% equipments DEX and TAL +21% equipments DEX and TAL +28% equipments DEX and TAL +35% equipments DEX and TAL
Z dgs1 Dragon Breath I~IV - +5VIT , block 5 phy.damagee +10VIT , block 10 phy.damage +15VIT , block 15 phy.damage +20VIT , block 20 phy.damage
Z dga1 Dragon Flight I~IV - +5VIT and block 10 mag.damage +10VIT and block 15 mag.damage +15VIT and block 20 mag.damage +20VIT and block 25 mag.damage
Z rgw1 Regrowth I~IV - Return 4% of recieved heal as MP. Return 6% of recieved heal as MP. Return 8% of recieved heal as MP. Return 10% of recieved heal as MP.
Z dtx1 Detoxify I~IV - Gives 20% chance for all heal abilities to trigger clense status. Gives 30% chance for all heal abilities to trigger clense status. Gives 40% chance for all heal abilities to trigger clense status. Gives 50% chance for all heal abilities to trigger clense status.
File:Z prs1.png Pirate Soul I~IV - +5% money from each kill by , +5% wind protection +10% money from each kill by , +10% wind protection +15% money from each kill by , +15% wind protection +20% money from each kill by , +20% wind protection
File:Z prt1.png Pirate Treasure I~IV - +1% item drop rate , +5% water protection +2% item drop rate , +10% water protection +3% item drop rate , +15% water protection +4% item drop rate , +20% water protection
Z roc1 Raid On Capital I~IV - +15% Phy and Mag dmg but reduce 90% all elementals resist +15% Phy and Mag dmg but reduce 70% all elementals resist +15% Phy and Mag dmg but reduce 50% all elementals resist +15% Phy and Mag dmg but reduce 30% all elementals resist
Z dmn1 Demion I~IV - +20% exp from mission +30% exp from mission +40% exp from mission +50% exp from mission
Z flf1 Fluffly I~IV - +30 run speed , +100 lower weight +50 run speed , +200 lower weight +70 run speed , +300 lower weight +90 run speed , +400 lower weight
Witching I-IV - +25 TAL , STR -4 , VIT -4 , DEX -4 +35 TAL , STR -6 , VIT -6 , DEX -6 +45 TAL , STR -8 , VIT -8 , DEX -8 +55 TAL , STR -10 , VIT -10 , DEX -10
Z dsc1 Desert Cactus I~IV - +6 physical and magical dmg +9 physical and magical dmg +12 physical and magical dmg +15 physical and magical dmg
File:Z ctw1.png Toon World I~IV - give 2% chance to convert phy.dmg into healing give 3% chance to convert phy.dmg into healing give 4% chance to convert phy.dmg into healing give 5% chance to convert phy.dmg into healing
File:Z muv1.png M.Universe I~IV - randomly extends all receiving buffs duration by(1-3)s randomly extends all receiving buffs duration by(2-3)s randomly extends all receiving buffs duration by(2-4)s randomly extends all receiving buffs duration by(3-4)s
File:Z dam1.png Death Army I~IV - +25% summon duration +50% summon duration +75% summon duration +100% summon duration
Dramatized I-IV - +10% critical damage , reduce 10% accuracy +15% critical damage , reduce 15% accuracy +20% critical damage , reduce 20% accuracy +25% critical damage , reduce 25% accuracy

Special Anima[]

Icon Name Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Satanic
Z sss1 Six Six Six I~IV - Give 1s invincible status when HP ends with number 6 Give 2s invincible status when HP ends with number 6 Give 3s invincible status when HP ends with number 6 Give 4s invincible status when HP ends with number 6
Z svn1 Triple Sevens I~IV - Give normal attack 1% chance to deal additional 777 e.dmg. Give normal attack 3% chance to deal additional 777 e.dmg. Give normal attack 5% chance to deal additional 777 e.dmg. Give normal attack 7% chance to deal additional 777 e.dmg.
Z sen1 Seven Eight Nine I~IV - Give 25% chance to lock HP at number 789. (3s cd) Give 50% chance to lock HP at number 789. (3s cd) Give 75% chance to lock HP at number 789. (3s cd) Give 100% chance to lock HP at number 789. (3s cd)
File:Z one1.png Ones I~IV - Give 4% chance to reduce damage to 1. (1s cd) Give 7% chance to reduce damage to 1. (1s cd) Give 10% chance to reduce damage to 1. (1s cd) Give 13% chance to reduce damage to 1. (1s cd)