DemonsAreCrazy Wiki

Fay Skills[ | ]

Native[ | ]

Image Name Type Desc
ArcaneLight Arcane Light Native Deals STR(1.5) + 13% of MP as m.dmg with normal attack.
MpCharge MpCharge Native Returns STR(0.13) MP per sec with charge attack.
Levitate Levitate Native Enable Fay hover while in the air by holding jump button.
PhaseStep Phase Step Native Enable Fay to glide by quickly tab and hold directional buttons.

First row[ | ]

Image Name Type Desc
ManaArc Mana Arc Active Unleash a magical wave dealing TAL(130~200) [light]/[wind] mag.dmg to enemies around Fay.
MagicLance Magic Lance Active Hurl a magical missile that deal TAL(130~200) [light]/[water] m.dmg along its path. MP(30)
MeteorRain Meteor Rain Active Summon comets from the sky, dealing 20x TAL(100~150) [dark] m.dmg to an area.
Dispell Dispell Active Removes all magical status from an area. Deals TAL(100~150) [water] m.dmg to all summons
SingularRift Singular Rift Active Cast a giant magical rift that deal TAL(400~600) [light] m.dmg in target area. MP(100)
DoubleCast Double Cast Active Make Fay casts her next spell twice with LVL(33-50)% chance of no cool down.

Second row[ | ]

Image Name Type Desc
MagicMissiles Magic Missiles Active Fire magical missiles that home toward target dealing 5x TAL(90~135) light mag.dmg.
ManaBurn Mana Burn Active Deals TAL(50-75) [water] m.dmg and destroy target's MP equal to that amount.
Overflow Overflow Active Gives target ally a HLG (130~200) barrier, HLG(33~50) MP and LVL(33~50)% [water] protection.
Dystopia Dystopia Active Summon blackholes from the sky, dealing 3x TAL(150~230) [dark] m.dmg and reduce LVL(20~30)% def for 13 sec.
GravityShift Gravity Shift Active Deals 13xLVL(10~15)% HP [dark] m.dmg (Max TAL(200~300)) in wide area and halve speed.
SharedIntellect Shared Intellect Active Increase LVL(33~50)% of Fay's TAL to allies and add HLG(300~450) barrier to Fay for 13s.

Third row[ | ]

Image Name Type Desc
OracleBlast Oracle Blast Active Deal current weapon's element as 3x TAL(130~200) m.dmg at target enemy.
WaterVortex Water Vortex Active Cast a pulling whirl pool, dealing [water] 5xTAL(80~120) mag.dmg and reduce 10% water def (stack).
ElementalGuard Elemental Guard Active Give surrounding allies (15~23)% [rainbow] protection and resist to element reduction for 23s.
TargetDispel Target Dispel Active Removes all magical status from an area. Deals TAL(200~300) [water] mag.dmg to all summons. MP(30)
GalacticStorm Galactic Stom Active Channel 23 m meteor shower around Fay, dealing 2xTAL(100~150) [light][water] mag.dmg/s.
MasterOfElements Master of Elements Active Lower target's [rainbow] resistance by LVL(23~33)% and add double that to Fay's protection for 13s.

Seventh Satanic Skills[ | ]

Image Name Type Desc
ArcaneBurst 0 Arcane Burst Active Temporary remove nAttack's delay and use 5xLVL(10~20)% of current MP as its mag.dmg for 30 sec.
NullElements NullElements Active Null all elemental protection and status on target for LVL(30~60)sec.
SummonLeviathan SummonLeviathan Active Summon a leviathan, dealing 6xTAL(200-400) [water] f.dmg to random target areas.
AstralSpears AstralSpears Active Fire 10x magical missiles that deal TAL(200~400) [light]/[water] mag.dmg.
TrueUltima TrueUltima Active Channel a pillar of light dealing TAL(500~1000)mag.dmg/s (use LVL(100~200) mp.)
SatanicTalent SatanicTalent Active Gives self a LVL(130~230) TAL boost for 130 sec.